- Reuse code as best as you can. If you know there is something that was used to fix a problem in another project make it generic and common. We want as few lines of code in the code base as is neccesary to get the job done.
- ReSharper is probably one of your best friends when developing code in .NET (Resharper is available here)
- Code Repositories should not be considered optional. Check in early, check in often.
- Continuous Integration should be your religion, and if your code breaks the build, FIX IT BEFORE YOU LEAVE. Other people like to get work done too.
- TDD is mandatory - write tests *before* you develop functionality
- Resharper is excellent for this and helps tremendously
- If you have to temporarily disable a test use the Ignore attribute with a reason. This makes it easier to track, and allows us to see a print out on CI so we can make fun of you for not fixing the test later.
- TDD will be your friend if you ever have to refactor the code. You will thank yourself later. (And you will refactor the code. OVER AND OVER AND OVER)
- When Resharper makes a suggestion for code clarity as a general rule follow the suggestion. The one exception to this is when a LINQ statement makes the code less legible.
- Cyclomatic complexity is bad. Keep nested loops and if statements to a minumum unless ABSOLUTELY neccesary.
- Optimal method length is 5 - 10 lines (This will also make it much easier to wrap tests around.)
- Use guard statements to simplify methods.
- SOLID is not optional (Definition is below)
- Single Responsibility - object should have only a single responsibility
- Open Closed Principle - classes should be open for extension, closed for modification
- Liskov Substitution Principle - Methods that use a base class should also be able to use classes derived from that base class
- Interface Segregation Principle - many client specific interfaces are better than one general purpose interface (i.e. don't use huge-ass interfaces)
- Dependency Inversion Principle - Depend on Abstractions, not on Absolutes i.e. Use a base class in the parameter definition for a method rather than a derived class. (see Dependency Injection which is a great tool for TDD)
- DRY - Don't Repeat Yourself (EVER!)
- Mocking is fun. Especially the coding kind for tests. ( I personally like MOQ)
- usewhitespacetoenhancereadability
- Do not use regions. PERIOD. If you need to hide something, your method is too long.
- If you have to write comments on every other line, your code probably isn't very readable.
- use descriptive variable names
- use smaller private methods with descriptive names.
- EXCEPTION: jokes in the code are ok.
- use comments to explain "why" something is done that way, the code should explain "what" is being done.
For further reading:
* CLR via C# revision 3
(Jeffrey Richter)
* Framework Design Guidelines: Conventions, Idioms, and Patterns for Reusable .NET Libraries
(Krzysztof Cwalina and Brad Abrams)
* Test-Driven Development in Microsoft .NET
(James W. Newkirk and Alexei A. Vorontsov)
* Working Effectively with Legacy Code
(Michael Feathers)
* Design Patterns: Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software
(Erich Gamma, Richard Helm, Ralph Johnson, John M. Vlissides)